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Reviews of Investigating Impaired Drivers

Book Reviews

BLUE LINE MAGAZINE'S review of the 2nd Edition.

"The original author, Gregory Wm. Koturbash, drew upon his 18 years experience prosecuting violators of Canada’s impaired driving laws and developed a considerable understanding of these laws. After the publishing of the original version in 2011 the author was appointed to the Bench... Click here to read the full review.”

HENRY WALDOCK'S review of the 2nd Edition.

"I recommend this book to police officers who want to improve their knowledge of investigating impaired driving offences. Drawing from years of research, the authors brings a measure of order to this confusing area of the law. In a clear and simple style, and with abundant examples, they suggest investigative techniques which survive judicial scrutiny. I know of no other resource in Canada which answers so many of the questions police officers ask about impaired driving investigations."

Henry Waldock, B.Sc.(Hons), LL.B Crown Counsel, BC; Guest Insructor in Law at RCMP Pacific Training Center, Author. www.henrywaldock.ca

RICK HEWSON’S review of the 1st Edition.

"This book fills a void – until now, police and prosecutors had no quick and concise guide to complex issues arising in impaired driving prosecutions. This book is thorough and well-organized, reflecting the authors years of courtroom experience in impaired, over .08 and refusal cases.”

Richard Hewson, B.A., LL.B.

BLUE LINE MAGAZINE'S review of the 1st Edition.

"A Crown attorney with 18 years experience dealing with Canadian impaired driver laws, has written a book that is a cop's dream. Read full review here.”